Apositive News

Meet The A-Team: Rob Paterson

May 23, 2024
Meet The A-Team: Rob Paterson

We're excited to welcome the newest member of the APositive sales team, Rob. He joins the growing team in the Sydney and is a workforce consultant, assisting recruitment and labour hire businesses with the solutions they need to start, scale and succeed.

A big welcome to the team! How has life at APositive been so far? Tell us about your role in the company.

Thanks very much! My start here has been great, I've already spoken to some amazing partners and have been made to feel very welcome by the team.  In my role as consultant, I am tasked with guiding businesses through our offering and helping them to understand how we can facilitate growth for their company. I also hope to build partnerships with businesses that can compliment our offering and give new and existing partners a competitive advantage in the recruitment and labour hire world.

Who is Rob Paterson? Do you have any hobbies? Secret talents?

As a typical Brit, you won't be surprised to hear that sport and particularly football has always been a big interest of mine. Away from sports, I have always had a desire to travel the world and often try to visit some of the weirder and less popular destinations (with mixed success). Secret talents are sadly limited, but I do have a great pub quiz record.

Tell us a bit about what brings you to APositive. What were you doing before you got here?

Before I joined APositive, I was providing UK recruitment agencies and their contractors with business insurance and also software that helped them to navigate new off-payroll tax legislation rules. Communicating with both agencies and their contractors gave me great insight into their working relationship and often how complicated it can be. When the opportunity arose to speak with APositive, it was immediately clear I would be encouraged to build lasting relationships and use my experience to help new and existing businesses succeed. Therefore joining APositive felt like a no-brainer.

What is your first impression of APositive? Our finance and payroll solutions? The team?

Two things immediately stood out when working at APositive. The first was how strong the relationships are with both clients and partners. The nature of these relationships is very much a partnership and I was impressed by how long we have been working with so many. The second is how bespoke the offering really is for recruitment and labour-hire businesses, both for finance and payroll. I didn't quite appreciate the level of knowledge, technology and experience APositive has in servicing the recruitment world.

What are you hoping to achieve here with us?

As someone who enjoys building relationships and meeting as many people as possible, I hope that in my time here I will meet some amazing people and businesses, and ultimately, be able to share in their success as they grow.

If you're interesting making a positive difference to your career and joining our team, visit this page to learn more.

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